RE Curriculum – Digging deeper


My goal is to write a set of blogs about something I’ve been thinking about for a while. What is it that makes a good RE curriculum? What is it that makes it RE rich? Challenging? Different from other subjects?

To help my thinking I’ve created a visual….

I’ve pondered analogies and images and gone with this. It’s not the perfect analogy; it implies a hierarchy of importance which isn’t what is meant but I think it might reflect how shallow or deep some RE curriculums go, which is important.

If you are writing a new curriculum or reviewing what you have, this might be a useful tool to reflect with.

Looking at it as a whole may be overwhelming, so my intention is to break each down with examples for each ‘layer’.

I am happy to take comment and critique. I know this isn’t how everyone sees the RE curriculum, but in the absence of many other options, it may be a starting point for your thinking.

First up will be hinterland and core, substantive knowledge……

2 thoughts on “RE Curriculum – Digging deeper

  1. Pingback: Digging deeper – Hinterland and Core knowledge in RE | missdcoxblog

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